Friday, October 24, 2014

Why I like to commute by bicycle

I am currently in my 4th month of riding my bicycle to work as much as possible.  I love it and below I will share with you why.

First and foremost I do not have to deal with traffic as much and I can time the lights on my commute.  My drive in has a total of 21 stop's a mix of stop signs and red lights.  In my vehicle I can not time them and end up stopping at half of them.  On the bike I can generally time them and only get stopped at 3 per ride.  My total trip one way is 7.3 miles.  When I have time and feel like it I will ride past my workplace to add miles to my list.  For the month of September I put 212 miles on my bicycle.

I save a gallon of gas for each day that I ride to work.  My vehicle get's a horrible 15 mpg.  Since I have started commuting by bike my gas mileage has increased to 16 mpg.  Granted it's not a lot but every little bit helps.

My mental state of mind is improved by not having to deal with traffic in the same manner as I do in a vehicle.  And Physically I have dropped 15 lbs and shaved roughly 2 to 3 inches off my waste line.  I feel great at work on the days I ride and I now find myself trying to find reasons not to ride.

I am so thankful I have the ability and the opportunity to ride my bicycle to work.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

How A liberal and I think alike and differently.

I have been spending some time contemplating conversations with liberals, republicans, libertarian's, and all the rest.  The one thought that came to mind is that I do tend to agree with many complaint's that all make such as.

1) Healthcare in the United States is flawed
       A liberal think's that only Government can provide a good quality healthcare system as is done in other countries.  I disagree with this notion I feel that Government has caused a lot of the problems in our current system.  We need reform but reform that put's the power back in the hand's of the consumer or sick person.
Health is not a right it's a blessing we can die at any moment.

2) Some corporations simply suck
        Again a Liberal think's that Government should mandate corporations and tax them more aggresively then individuals.  I disagree I think that we the consumers should mandate corporations.  Simply put if we don't like a company and how it treat's it's employees we just don't buy their product.  This might mean we have to pay more for our goods.

3) Some Wealthy individuals have more say then the poor
          A liberal thinks that we should make laws to restrict the wealthy and to tax them and give that money to the poor.  I disagree I think we should all strive to be wealthy and to also follow suit with number 2 let our money vote in the arena of who we pay for services or goods.

4) At times the cards seem stacked against the less fortunate
          A liberal thinks that the Government should unstack those cards and create an equal status among all people.  I disagree in that I think having the cards stacked against us is what challenges us to change our stars.  If we don't have that we achieve nothing.  Why would someone jump from the stratosphere if they already had everything everyone else had and it didn't benefit them in any way to do so.  Why would someone take risk?

5) Education is very important
          A liberal feels that we need to pump more money into a system that is already failing.  I disagree I think we need to change the system and create a system that actually educates our Children.  My own feeling is that currently our public schools are more of an indoctrination tool for the Government rather then about education.

6) Worker's should be paid fairly, Companies should provide good quality jobs
           A liberal thinks that Government should mandate what a company pay's workers to increase the profitability of the employee no matter what it does to the profitability of the company.  I think that we the consumers should choose products that have a history of treating their employee's in a good manner.  Years ago this was accomplished by buying local goods.  We can do a better job then Gov can.  If Gov does it companies just find a way around it.  If we don't buy their products they can't get around it.

So you want to start a business

So you want to start a business.  I am no expert in this field but I did spend 15 years as a business owner.  My experience started in the wonderful world of Construction.

 I spent a couple months with a Commercial contractor in Virginia working for my Uncle who was the Super on the job.  It was a great experience right out of school as I got to get my feet wet and get a better idea of what I wanted to do in Construction.

Next I moved back home and got a job with a Framing contractor after scouring for a job with many not giving me a chance because I lacked experience.  Don Updegrave gave me a much needed chance and I worked for him as an employee just over 2 years.

My next position came by chance as I noticed the add in the paper for a trim carpenter.  I wasn't a trim carpenter but knew I wanted to get deeper into it so I made the call.  I met Ron one evening on my way home from work and he offered me the job wanting me to start immediately.  I remember taking a day or two to think about this change.  I turned down the offer because I could not leave Don without giving proper notice and felt the decision had to be made to quick.  Ron refused my refusal and told me I could take the time I needed to give the notice I needed to start.  I ended up taking the job and spent 6 months working for Ron and learning how to trim.

My next role was to start my own business.  I did some research but not near enough on starting on my own.  Don, Ron, and a few other contractors kept me busy for the next 13 years or so.  I took missions trips, Joined the Marine Corps and served 2 tours in Iraq, and got married during this time period.  I also started purchasing property.

Things I would make certain to do if I started on my own again.

Have sufficient living expense or emergency fund

With hold 30 % on all revenue and retain for taxes. (make all tax estimate payments)

Pay cash for all equipement unless it makes viable sense to borrow the money.

Ensure that I spend enough time on equipement maintenance

Charge an appropriate fee for services

Pay yourself an hourly rate for the work that you perform
       Start a Simple IRA or Roth IRA and immediately start putting something into it.

Purchase and learn to use a software program designed for your type of business

Find a good attorney (look into forming corporation, llc, etc....)

Things I would not do.

Work under the table or for cash

Trade or barter your services unless it truly made sense

Hire an accountant without a fee schedule

Assume that you will get paid on time
      Sadly some contractors or clients will take their time in paying you
(it's a good idea to have a set timetable for payment and utilize a fee or percentage of billables due after set time)

This will be an ongoing thread as I think of new things to add to it or decide on a better way to say something.

October 09, 2014

Life is moving along quite quickly.  New things listed below.

Baby Girl born just under 2 weeks ago.
Garden in the works on lot's behind our home.
Riding bike to work as much as possible.
Installed a hitch on my truck by myself.
My son is getting big.

Planning to build a door for our bedroom going out to the porch.
Paint Baby #2's room or finish doing so.
Remodel Bathroom.
Remodel Kitchen & dining room.

We are having fun with both our children.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Republic Wireless Rebate $20.00

Code below will get you a $20.00 rebate on Republic Wireless.  It will also get me a $20.00 rebate